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Interpreter & Translator Services

English - Portuguese & Spanish

 I can provide interpretation and translation for international conferences, meetings, business communication, press conferences, court hearings, appointments, documentation and medical field. I can also provide translation for business trips and tourism.


Consecutive interpreting

​During consecutive interpretation, the interpretation is consecutive, i.e. time-delayed. During the speech, the interpreter summarizes the speaker's ideas and explanations using a special note-taking method. As soon as the speaker has finished the utterance, or pauses, the interpreter will repeat what has been said in the target language. Because the speech is made in duplicate with this technique, please note that a meeting or conference can last substantially longer when using a consecutive interpreter.


​Simultaneous interpreting

​During simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter sits in a soundproof booth and listens to the speaker via headset. They then translate the spoken word simultaneously and continuously into the target language using simultaneous interpreting facilities. The interpreter requires a high degree of concentration. Due to the high level of exertion, simultaneous interpreters work in teams of at least two and alternate with each other after 15 to 20 minutes. Simultaneous interpreters thoroughly prepare themselves for the topic of speech in advance in order to ensure high-quality interpretation.


​Online Interpreting

Due to the increase of virtual conferences, online interpreting is more and more in demand. The use of digital technologies allows simultaneous interpreting without physical presence, meaning no interpreting technology or cabins are needed on site. I can offer you two options for online interpreting:

Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) – flexible usability

  • Interpreting within an existing video platform

  • Interpreter can also be included via another audio channel

    • Requirements differ for audio options according to video conferencing provider (therefore further audio channel requirements must be discussed)

  • Compatibility with all providers of video conferences (e.g.  WebEx, Zoom, Skype, Trams etc.)

  • Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting possible  


Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) – independent of location and efficient

I can offer you an efficient option to allow the integration of interpreting in online conferences to work either from (temporary) RSI hubs or via a cloud-based solution (interpreting platform).

  • Implementation of a cloud interpreting platform as needed

  • Integration of high-quality simultaneous technology (cabin and interpreting booth)

  • Simultaneous interpreting



  • Business Documents

  • Civil Certificates (Birth certificates, Marriage certificates, etc.)

  • Employee Manuals

  • Legal Documents

  • Websites

  • Medical Documents

  • Literature, among others.


I can create intelligent, well-structured documentation in the form of individual project orders or as a core service provider.

Absolute Security & Confidentiality. Your document transmission system will be SSL encrypted.

Checking your technical documentation to make sure that all necessary content and data is present, together with suggestions for improvement if desired.

If you don't want to take any risks with documents relevant to technical documentation, a detailed check is recommended.

With the certification of legally secure technical documentation, you can feel confident in having the relevant legal security in dealings with authorities and customers.

Coordinated graphics adapted to your customer requirements: instructions, handbooks, technical user and manuals.

Creating editing systems to reduce time and costs – process optimization, data management, modularization and much more!



Foreign-language services for the travel and tourism industry for business trips, adventurous, relaxing, or cultural vacations.  You can rely on my "full service" offer for foreign-language communication and which includes not only translation, but also desktop printing and publishing, interpreting, and the creation of advertising materials.



My standout service goes well beyond providing a free translation and interpreter quote. I offer you high-quality, accurate, and efficient translations and interpreter services for individuals and organizations across the globe. Please visit the next page and check out affordable rates!

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